At VRREC, our geotechnical engineers investigate, characterize and engineer solutions to ground conditions to support our built environment. We are thinkers, problem solvers and team players to our very core. We understand ground conditions and the challenges of designing, constructing and commissioning facilities.

Soil investigation (On-Shore & Off-shore Drilling)

Site characterization and hazard mapping

Comprehensive field and laboratory services

Shallow and deep foundation design and load testing

Pile foundation design and load testing

Ground improvements; Stone Column, Lime Piles & Grouting

Earth pressure design parameters & D-Wall design

Slope stability assessments & MSE Wall Design

Asphalt & Concrete Pavement assessment and design

Studies, management and supervision of major excavations

With various laboratory testing on Soil & Rock including,


Specific Gravity

Grain size analysis - Hydrometer

Free Swell Index


Triaxial (CU)

Consolidation Test

Chemical analysis of soil & water

Laboratory CBR Test

Rock Tri-axial Shear Test

Point Load Strength Index Test

Brazilian Tensile Strength Test

Bulk Density

Grain size analysis - Sieves

Atterberg limits (LL, PL & SL)

Direct Shear

Triaxial (UU)

Triaxial (CD)

Swell Pressure

Proctor compaction Test

Water Absorption and Porosity on Rock Cores

Bulk Density of Rock Cores

UCS Test on Rock Cores

Young’s Modulus of Rock Core Samples


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